Friday, December 3, 2021

A New Day

 So much going on in my life today. 


The adult daughter of a dear friend died unexpectedly this week and our circle of friends are so sad.  The daughter had numerous health issues but still, it was so sudden.  Here one day and gone the next.  I cannot imagine losing one of your children and the hurt and sadness and deep grief a person must feel forever.  My friend is being comforted by all of us who love and care for her.


My oldest daughter and son-in-law are traveling “across the pond” for a month and oh how I miss them.  They are my unofficial caretakers when I have a need.  So thankful that I have not needed them often.

I do know they are having a wonderful time and seeing a part of the world that is beautiful especially at this time of the Christmas season.


This morning I awoke at 3:30 AM, “bright-eyed and bushy tail”, as my grandmother would have said.  Once I am awake it is very hard for me to go back to sleep, so at 4:30 I just said oh heck and I got up.

I am mentally making a list of all I hope to accomplish today.  We will see how that works